Wednesday, April 27, 2011

wordless wednesday - 'sup mom

Tex hanging out while I got ready for work this morning... too cute!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

another one bites the dust

I usually don't take pictures of the things my dog destroys because I am too angry to think about how a picture might come in handy when I want a good laugh later. Most of the time, I am so furious I just clean up the mess, and throw away the evidence.

Tonight, for whatever reason, I was craving Dominos pizza. I can't remember the last time I had it. I wasn't even sure if there was one close to me. I pulled out my Google Maps ap on my iPone and searched Dominos and sure enough, one was close by! I gave them a call and ordered my pizza (who knew it was Two Times Tuesdays? 2 medium pizzas for the price of 1 large? Yes please). I put the puppy gates up to block the staircases (we only let Tex roam on the middle floor when we leave him) and went on my way. I was gone for maybe 15 minutes. Why am I talking about my Dominos dinner? It's relevant I promise...

So I get home with my delicious smelling medium cheese and medium pepperoni pizza and head up the stairs. Of course he's done it again... Tex has gotten into something. I know this when I don't see his little head watching for me out the window. This means he's doing something else... something bad. Tex decided to eat his "Doggie Journal". This is what I use to communicate with his dog walkers every day. They leave me notes on what his bowel movements of the day were if he was good or bad. I realize this sounds weird - it is. Anyways, he ate it. I yelled at him no, shoved his face in it, and took him downstairs for timeout in his crate (a senario he is all too familiar with lately). I decided to eat my incredibly healthy, nutricous dinner before I cleaned up the mess, which allowed me to take a quick snap shot. Exhibit A - chewed up doggie journal.
Hey... at least he kept it all in one area. the other week, he was not so nice when he got into a roll of paper towels and some of my coupons that were on the refrigerator. Exhibit B - not so consolidated.

This past Sunday evening when I got home from a quick trip to Home Depot (where else would I go right?), he got my new(ish) Hobo clutch... I got it on sale for like $60 :( Needless to say I was WAY to you-know-what to take a picture of that episode. It was so sad... no one would want to see it looking that way... had to throw her away.

I will share the few more pictures I have though. Exhibit C - Tex got into the pantry when I left the door open by accident and ate 2 1/2 sub rolls from Harris Teeter. This was all that was left:

Exhibit D - I come home from work today only to find that Tex decided to eat all of the picture frames on our TV console. Yes, I said eat. Don't believe me? Take a look for yourself... this is why our shelves are now bare! (also a look at the old kitchen table... what did I say about that a few posts back...)

I know what you're thinking - why don't you crate him all the time when you leave? I knowwwww people. It's hard though! He's housebroken so I feel so awful leaving him in this little confined place all day long... hopefully he will just grow out of this phase (I'm calling it a phase - don't judge me) soon.

OR maybe it's time for me to just be a stay at home mom... do puppies count? :)

And if you're wondering, no I did not eat 2 medium Dominos pizzas all by myself... I hate half of one!

Less than 2 more days till we get to take our little road trip - I cannot wait! Update on Brandon: he got 2 home runs in his game last night! He went 3-5 with 3 RBIs. So proud of him :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

weekend wrap-up

The weekends always seem to go by so fast, don't they? This one went by SUPER fast as it was a busy one.

Friday was such a pretty day! The weather is really starting to warm up, and it's definitely giving me a slight case of Spring fever. I decided to venture out to Home Depot Friday evening in search of supplies to revamp our "front yard." We don't really have much of a yard since we live in a town house, but I still thought this could be a fun little project for me. A really nice lady at HD helped me pick out mulch, top soil, flowers, and a few plants to get started. Since I had no idea what I was doing, this was a huge help! When I got home, there was still some light out, so I put down most of the mulch since I knew it was going to rain all day Saturday. I put my green thumb back to work today and finished up with the yard. I think it looks okay, but the true test will be if anything I did actually lives and lasts throughout the Spring and Summer... I'll provide updates. Here is a look at what all I did! I should have taken a "before" picture... most of our plants had died throughout the winter. Like I said, it's not much - but it's a start!

Besides the gardening adventure... I also had an awesome Saturday night with some great friends. I went to Richmond for an engagement party for one of my sorority sisters, Blake. I drove down with my Arlington girls, Katie, Kaitlyn, and Lara (also 3 of my bridesmaids!) and we stayed at our friend Megan's house. The party was so much fun. Her aunt hosted it and there was tons of great food and an open bar - perfect combination!! I got to see some friends from college that I hadn't seen since graduation, and it was just so nice to be in the company of my girlfriends. I really miss them a lot since I moved out to Ashburn (Katie, Kaitlyn, and I lived in Arlington together until I moved in with Brandon this past fall). We always have so much fun together. We laugh, we drink, and we laugh some more. It's FANTASTIC! My sister, Ashley, and her boyfriend, Matt, stayed at my house with Tex for me - I am so thankful for them! Especially my sister. She has helped me with Tex so much. Here are a few pictures from the night - courtesy of my iPhone 4.

So much fun!

As much as I'm dreading the start of another work week, I'm just trying to remember that this will be a short one, and come Thursday we will be in Norfolk to see Brandon! This thought is definitely going to get me through the week... two of my bosses are back from traveling, and we have a few big meetings going on- so I know it's going to be a super busy week!

Well, Tex is tired, and so am I... getting 6 hours of sleep after a night of drinking will do that to you :) We're off to bed - night!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

wordless wednesday - never forget

Hard to believe it was almost 4 years ago... I still remember it like it was yesterday. No words can describe the emotions and feelings of that day, only those who were there and lived it will ever understand. I will never forget those who lives were cut short on April 16th. The stories of their lives will live on forever.

Live for 32

Friday, April 8, 2011

peanuts and cracker jacks

It's that time of the year again... the 2011 baseball season is officially underway. The first game was actually yesterday afternoon, but it didn't seam real to me until tonight. I had the Gameday tracker up on my computer just like always, checking the box score to turn on the radio whenever Brandon was up to bat. That part of the season is easy... it's fun! The hard part is adjusting to the schedule of baseball.

It's a universal schedule, really. Ask any girlfriend, mother, wife, or daughter of a player and she will tell you- it's not a schedule to envy. I will give you a little sneak peak of Brandon's average day during the baseball season:

11:30 am: Wake up & eat Breakfast
1:30 pm:   Eat Lunch
2:30 pm:   Go to the field for workouts / warm ups
7:00 pm:   Gametime
10:30 pm: Leave the Field
11:00 pm: Eat Dinner & Relax
3:00 am:   Bedtime

Crazy right? Those guys are in a world all their own! The only problem to this crazy schedule is that I am on the exact opposite schedule. I am going to bed when Brandon is getting out of the game, and when he wakes up, I am at work and have already been awake for about 6 hours! Needless to say we don't get a chance to talk much during baseball season... at least on the weekdays anyway.

One of my favorite things to do during the season is go on weekend trips (or adventures as I like to call them) to visit Brandon wherever he's playing. I have been all over the east coast and as far out west to Arizona to see him play. During those trips, I love getting lost in that crazy life of baseball, staying up way too late, and eating way too much fried food at the games. I get so caught up in this lifestyle that I almost feel like I'm living it with him... almost. That is until Sunday evening comes around and I have to make the long drive (or flight) back home... alone.

Our first trip (remember I have Tex with me this year!) is Thursday, April 21st. My boss is letting me work remotely on that Friday so we can get a head start down to see Brandon. This will be the third season in a row that Brandon has spent time in Norfolk (Baltimore's AAA team) but he is living in a new apartment complex this year, and I am anxious to see this amazing condo he's been telling me about! We were lucky to find a nice place that accepts dogs over 50 lbs.

Less than 2 weeks till we're down in Norfolk with the hubby! I can already smell the hotdogs...

That's Brandon in Spring Training this year... what did I tell you about the uniforms?!? ;)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

i'm officially old...

I've known this for awhile now, actually. The epiphany occurred to me one day last fall when I walked into a Home Depot for the second time in one day... a Saturday. But I suppose this also comes with being a home owner. Home owner = old...

More proof that I'm old: I get super excited about a new kitchen table. Maybe if you had seen our old one you'd understand. My mom was nice enough to make the 20 minute trip out to my house to meet the delivery truck while I was at work today. She also helped me kill 2 birds with 1 stone by walking Tex and saving me the $19 a day for our dog walker. Thanks, Mom!

I'm in love with the table! I purchased it about a week and a half ago and have anxiously been awaiting it's arrival. The kitchen has definitely become one of my favorite places in the house. It was Brandon's idea to paint it red, and I have to say- I have really come to love it. Now if I can just learn to use it more...

Another realization I had today - Harris Teeter chicken tortellini is not at all the same as Harris Teeter cheese tortellini. I found that out the hard way... It ended up being a cereal and milk dinner night for me... along with a chocolate chip cookie from Costco's bakery. I have had the large variety pack of cookies sitting in my pantry all week left over from a family get together on Sunday. They just lay there staring at me every time I open the door... It's cruel, really.

That's all for now. Here is Tex in his second favorite spot- which creates for an interesting view when you're trying to watch a baseball game :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

me? blog?

Okay... so this whole blogging thing is extremely new to me. I had never really gotten the concept until last fall when my future sister in law started one when she was pregnant with her little girl Kennedy (cutest baby on the planet by the way- pictures will come later). I started following her on this thing and soon found other blogs to "stalk" as I often refer to it. I find my house painfully quiet at times, well at most times if we're being honest, so it's nice to sit here and write some thoughts down... after all, I'm sure my dog gets tired of me constantly talking to him like he understands me :) Sometimes I really think he does...

Anyways, my name is Lindsey and I am a blogger. (The first step is admitting you have an addiction...) Okay but seriously. I guess I am a blogger now! Where to start? I am writing from my favorite spot in my house on the sofa in my family room. Or I guess I should say "Our" family room. I have a fiance and we bought this house together last summer. We started dating when we were 14 years old in middle school and 10 years later (YES I'm serious!), we're getting married! Brandon and I have been best friends and exchanging "I love You's" for over a decade now. We have had our ups and downs (who hasn't?) but seriously, we have been together longer than some people have been married, so we are pretty sure this thing is going to work out :) Plus, he still gives me butterflies and makes me smile without even knowing it. Brandon plays professional baseball (the uniform helps with the butterflies!) so he is away from home "on business" 7-8 months out of the year. I say "on business" because Brandon likes to call it "going to work" when he goes to the field every day... he tells me this as I'm sitting in my cubical looking at expense reports and watching a webinar training on a new travel program... somehow I beg to differ. More to come on this whole baseball thing... Since the season officially doesn't' start until tomorrow, I'm pretending like it's not running my life for the time being :)

So while Brandon is away "on business", you would think one would get pretty lonely all alone in a house without her fiance to keep her company, right? Yeah, I would think that too. Lucky for me, I am not alone! I have an 8 month old, 65 lb yellow lab named Tex to keep me company. Tex is my love bug, and my best friend when Brandon's not around. He can be challenging at times (rest in peace to my first MacBook power cord, 2 sports bras, wooden staircase bolts, dish towels, etc.) but he is the love of my life. He gets an A+ in cuddling and always knows how to make me smile. I can honestly say I don't think I could make it alone without him here with me. Love him!

So, why am I at home? Why don't I pick up everything and travel with my hubby? Well, there are a few things to consider here. The main reason is I have a job that I actually like... I said like, people. The second is money. Until Brandon's career is secure enough to support the two of us, I'm going to work because, well that's what people do to earn money! The last reason is just for me... I'm not sure what I would do if I didn't work. I like having responsibility and being independent in that way. I have always worked ever since high school and, honestly, I think I might go crazy with nothing to do! This is a topic that Brandon and I talk about constantly, and until we find a solution- we are just making do with the way things are.

And to tell you the truth, even with all of the struggles of being alone and Brandon being on the road so much, I still feel extremely blessed and happy. I'm so excited to be getting married and I know that God has a plan for us and it will all work out in the end.

With that being said, Tex needs to go to the bathroom and I need to get ready for bed. Brandon is awaiting our call (yes I said "our"), and I am so glad tomorrow is already Thursday!

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